mercoledì 20 marzo 2013

Name etymology althea

The baby girl name Althea is of Greek origin. Althea meaning, Althea popularity, Althea hieroglyphics, Althea numerology, and other interesting facts. 11 Jan 2004 The meaning of the names. ALMEDA ALOHILANI ALPHONSE ALSATIA ALTHEA ALVA ALVIN ALYN Am name meaning Unconquerable. Rose Althea, Rose of Sharon,Hibiscus syriacus. Etymology: The name derives from the Greek ibiskos Hibiscus, which means the marshmallow, used by the.

The name Althea is often noted as meaning with healing power, as it is a variant of the Greek word, althos which means healing. However, the character in. Althea Grin Salas name meaning. Discover the name origins of Althea Grin Salas We show origins & meanings behind baby names like Althea or Salas.

Name. Language/Cultural Origin. Inherent Meaning. Spiritual Connotation. A. Aaron, Aaran, Aaren. Aarin. Althea, Altheya, Alithia. Greek. Healer. Wholesome. Name, Gender, Origin, Meaning, Similiar Names. Aakarshan, male. Greek, bird, star. Althea, female, Greek, healer, wholesome, Allie, Alethea, Alithea, Thea.

Althea - Meaning Of Althea, What Does Althea Mean - Baby Names

Info about origin: known as the name of an Illyrian king, the husband of Teuta, Althea. Language of origin: Old Greek. Gender: female. Info about origin: (not. Princess Althea Sol Alfitaria (?, Arutea Soru Arufitaria) is a Lilty in Final. Etymology Edit. "Althea" is a Greek name that means "healer", while "Sol" is a male name of Spanish origin that means "sun". [show]. v e d.

Plant Symbolism A Guide To The Spiritual Meaning Of Plants

5 Apr 1995 "Althea Name by which Richard Lovelace (1618-1658) poetically The meaning and derivation of the word "althea", according to The Oxford. You can search for name meanings like fire and get a bunch of results that are Althea was actually a finalist for my heroine.s name, but as I already have a. Althea, the genus name, may come from the Greek althos, meaning.healing. The specific epithet officinalis means official and indicates that this plant is (or was).

Results 1 - 6064 of 6064 Best names for today helps you choose a meaningfull and star in the constellation of Aquila, from Arabic meaning "the flyer". Althea. 27 Dec 2014 Althea: Protection, Psychic Powers Both this Indian name and the English name bloodroot come about because of the red sap oozed by the.

Name etymology althea

The name Abigail is of Arabic origin and was adopted by the Hebrews. The great Althea had her son Meleager, one of the Argonauts, put to death for the.

12 Dec 2011 There.s certainly a lot of names of Latin origin, like Peregrine, which Althea the Greek name for the marsh mallow, from althos healing. 23 Feb 2009 Althea healer, wholesome. Altheda healer. Althia healer. Altina Common Stature Altonita Worthy of Praise Altsoba All War Aludra the maiden.

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